水下基礎基樁_Ocean pile and Floating vessel
Trying to improve technology and production capacity by integrating the accumulated special ship
building technology with offshore wind power base production.
使用 CNC 技術精準將板邊倒角 With the CNC technology to chamfer plate edges in a fast and accurate way. |
4軸3,000噸級捲板機將鋼板捲製完成 Bending machine with hydraulic 4-roller give the steel plate a certain curvature and roll tube segments (cans). |
自動潛弧焊機(SAW),可以有效減少焊接錯誤,保證焊接精度 Automatic welding machine with SAW can minimize the welding mistake. |
背鏟以消除點焊和內焊道引起的缺陷 或殘留渣,提高焊接質量 This process can increase welding quality by removing the defect or residue slag cause by the tack welding and the root pass of longitudinal inside welding. |
自動潛弧焊機(SAW),可以有效減少焊接錯誤,保證焊接精度。 Automatic welding machine with SAW can minimize the welding mistake. |
L線銲接完成後回到捲板機上調整真 圓度 Back to the bending machine to adjust the roundness after L-line welding. |
剪力鍵將於L線銲道後以十字臂銲機執行 Shear key will be welded by an automatic column and boom welding machine after longitudinal welding. |
自動潛弧焊機(SAW),可以有效減少焊接錯誤,保證焊接精度 Automatic welding machine with SAW can minimize the welding mistake. |
背鏟以消除點焊和內焊道引起的缺陷或殘留渣,提高焊接質量 This process can increase welding quality by removing the defect or residue slag cause by the tack welding and the root pass of longitudinal inside welding. |
自動潛弧焊機(SAW),可以有效減少焊接錯誤,保證焊接精度 Automatic welding machine with SAW can minimize the welding mistake. |
四輪立式彎板機,特製寬工作台,專用於彎製(bending)細長鋼板 4-roller vertical flange bender with wide worktable specialized for bending long and slender sheets. |
製作內或外環形加強材(Ring stiffeners) Fabrication of inner or outer reinforcing ring stiffeners. SAW銲接前,組裝環形加強材並進行點銲 Prior to SAW welding, ring stiffeners are assembled and tack welded. |
用於組裝及點銲環形加強材多功能設備 Multi-purpose equipment for ring stiffeners assembled and tack welded 將環形加強材組裝於管段上 Ring stiffeners are assembled on tube segment. |
銲接管段及環形加強材間之SAW銲機 SAW welder between tube segment and ring stiffener. 不僅可銲接柱段,亦可銲接錐段管件 Not only cylindrical but conical tubes can be also welded. |
於R-線設備上生產之工件 Products manufactured in R-line facilities. |
水下基樁製造完成後,將以SPMT自大組區運送至儲放區 After completion of the PP, SPMT will be used to transport PP from the grand assembly area to the storage area. |
儲放區位於重件碼頭旁,24支儲位,30分鐘內可完成起水作業 The storage area next to the heavy cargo quay with 24 pcs PP storage capacity and can execute load out in 30 mins for each PP. |
重件碼頭具備30噸每平方米之地耐力,SPMT可直接運輸上船 Heavy cargo quay with 30 t /m2 bearing capacity is suitable for SPMT transportation and even for FOB condition. |